Informatica Online Judge

Analisys of Judge result for NO.0047 []

Accepted : 5454(32.49%), Wrong Answer : 6628(39.49%), Time Limit Exceeded : 31(0.18%), Compile,Runtime Error : 2027(12.08%), ETC : 346(2.06%)

Best Solution of Problem for NO.0047

[ShortCode Rank[New]!!][31기][32기][33기]

Ranking user ID Lang Time Code Length Submit Time
1 gs15067 C++ 0.000 s 99 Byte(s) 2015/02/01 12:06:51
2 gs15036 C++ 0.000 s 110 Byte(s) 2014/12/25 00:51:57
3 gs15115 C++ 0.000 s 129 Byte(s) 2015/04/24 11:36:05
4 gs15100 C++ 0.000 s 136 Byte(s) 2015/03/15 16:21:48
5 gs15073 C++ 0.000 s 139 Byte(s) 2015/03/02 14:09:19
6 gs15071 C++ 0.000 s 140 Byte(s) 2015/02/18 05:04:46
7 gs15039 C++ 0.000 s 140 Byte(s) 2015/04/09 13:35:34
8 gs15027 C++ 0.000 s 143 Byte(s) 2015/02/02 12:53:05
9 gs15029 C++ 0.000 s 144 Byte(s) 2015/02/12 16:02:41
10 gs15053 C++ 0.000 s 144 Byte(s) 2015/02/13 20:24:43

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